About Blue Star Wicca

a seven-pointed interlaced star

The Coven of the Blue Star was founded in the Philadelphia area in 1975 by Frank Dufner, a Third Degree in the American Welsh tradition, and over the ensuing 40+ years it has developed into a tradition with numerous covens across North America and initiates in the U.S., Canada and abroad. Many hands and voices have been responsible for shaping the practice into the Tradition it has become, possessed of a rich musical and oral liturgy, passed down from Teacher to Student, the legacy of the work and dedication of its many Elders and practicing Clergy.

Blue Star is known for its emphasis on worship, celebration, and the development of personal relationships with the Gods. Our Clergy frequently practice invocatory possession, allowing us face-to-face contact with our deities. We celebrate the passage of the lunar cycle (esbats) as well as the seasons of the Pagan year (sabbats). Through our work together and the development of a “group mind”, we develop strong bonds of community that empower our individual and group practice.

Indeed, community is a hallmark of the Blue Star tradition. We frequently refer to the members of the Tradition as a whole as a “family” and we gather on a regular basis for Tradition-wide Family Gatherings to enjoy each other’s company and worship together. With the advent of social media it has become even easier to keep in touch, and Blue Star members actively keep in touch via Facebook, email lists, and other online modes of contact like Discord and Zoom.